93c Venner Road,
London SE26 5HU
0208 659 7713
November 1, 2006
Your article in yesterday’s paper Pathologist’s blunder could let Megan’s killer go free is misleading. There was absolutely no forensic evidence linking Michael Stone to the Chillenden Murders; it is not widely known but the hammer he habitually carried in his car was eliminated as the murder weapon. What little forensic evidence there is in this case points to an as yet unknown individual with DNA dissimilar from Stone’s. The only “evidence” against Stone is a bizarre cell confession which would have been ruled inadmissible in any other case.
If and when he does walk free from the Court of Appeal it will not be on a technicality but because Britain’s longest running ‐ and most ludicrous ‐ miscarriage of justice has been finally resolved.
Yours Sincerely,
A Baron
Webmaster: http://www.ismichaelstoneguilty.org/
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