Governor Colin Godber, 93c Venner Road,
HMP Full Sutton. Sydenham,
London SE26 5HU
020 8659 7713
October 30, 2006
Dear Sir,
In reply to your letter of October 20, I must clarify my position. I have never asked either Stone or any member of his legal team to break prison rules; I have certainly never asked him to smuggle out documents to me via his solicitor.
Stone’s abuse of computer equipment is a purely technical matter; he could have sent out any documents handwritten. If he had been on computer classes he could no doubt have produced such documents with no problems. I believe he has been taken such classes as well as English; certainly his literacy has improved dramatically since we first began our correspondence. As you are aware, Stone has sent me numerous handwritten letters containing details about his case. As it is only the content that is important no harm has been done. It’s not as if he assaulted someone or even swore at a member of staff. I was also under the impression that appellant inmates were, with discretion, permitted access to such things as computers – formerly typewriters – law books and so on to communicate with their legal advisers, to draft submissions and generally to assist with their cases. Rather than disciplining the officer who assisted Stone the man is to be commended; I will make sure he receives a credit when the full story of this outrageous miscarriage of justice is finally published.
I have made repeated requests to Stone and his lawyers for years now, literally, for specific documents including photographs of the autopsies and most particularly photographs of the crime scene, and any forensic reports. I have done this not for publication in a sensationalist book as per “all the gory bits” but for bona fide reasons, ie in the interests of justice.
It is my belief that the Chillenden Murders could not have been committed by one man, not Stone anyway. If that is the case then there may be clues in these “gory photographs” which would point away from Stone if not towards the actual killer(s). With this in mind I contacted Robert Ressler – with whose work you are no doubt familiar – and the FBI direct. Disappointingly, Ressler ignored all three of my E-mails, and I received a polite but negative response from the FBI. I had hoped to publish the relevant photographs on the website, which would no doubt have caused shock and outrage, but may have led to some useful scrutiny by some informed expert somewhere in the world.
Forensic reports would be even more useful; no doubt you have read my correspondence with Stone on this subject also.
I am still waiting for these reports as the photographs, and have no doubt that I will be waiting years from now, but the Criminal Cases Review Commission – a splendid organisation – may hopefully have more success due to its statutory powers and indefatigable case workers.
Your concern for protecting the public is touching, as is the concern of the clowns at the CPS and the trial judges who allowed Stone’s conviction on the uncorroborated testimony of a self-confessed habitual liar who is so smacked up he tries to phone his dead mother.
Yours Sincerely,
A Baron
cc Michael Stone
Franklin Sinclair
Edward Fitzgerald QC
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